Papilio rumanzovia

Papilio rumanzovia (Eschscholtz, 1821), or the scarlet Mormon or red Mormon is named in honor of Nikolay Rumyantsev, Russian wise diplomat and generous philanthropist. In 1815 Nikolay Rumyantsev sponsored a a round-the-world sea expedition on the ship “Rurik” under the command of Otto Kotzebue for the discovery and development of the Northwest Passage: a sea route from the Bering Sea to the Atlantic Ocean along the coast of North America. The expedition lasted three years and was also ethnographic and natural-scientific in nature.
It was during this expedition in the Philippines that the Russian entomologist Johann Eschscholtz first discovered and then described a large (up to 14 cm in wingspan) black-pink-red butterfly, which he named after the organizer of the expedition, the Rumyantsev’s swallowtail (Papilio rumanzovia).
It is remarcable that inspite the bright, frightening coloring of the undersides of the wings, Papilio rumanzovia is non-venomous. However, by pretending to be dangerous, it avoids being attacked by birds.

 Papilio rumanzovia inhabits Philippines and Taiwan.
This bead butterfly is woven of 9 colours.

The bead pattern is available at